Identify Problem and Problem Analysis


    According to school research, there are also several factors that contribute to teacher burnout. The hierarchical properties of schools where the majority of teachers claimed high burnout levels (high burnout schools) and schools where most of the teachers reported low-burnout stories (low-burnout schools) were distinguished and considered. The results of the study revealed four significant school culture factors that contribute to educator burnout, (1) the school organization's drive for quantifiable objective (2) lack of motivation by the teacher(3) student's attitude 4)limited experience in online teaching. Moreover, Age, sex, educational attainment, and the number of years spent teaching are all foundational elements linked to high and low burnout levels. Teachers the over the world were under increased stress leading to inefficient working circumstances and a lack of resources.


    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we may have to live in the ‘new normal’ for quite a long period. We have learned to adapt our lifestyles with this Covid-19, and to adjust to a ‘new normal, which is a new way of living and going about our lives, work, and communication with the people around us. Adaptation and changes are considered ‘new normal’. Education is one of the sectors that has been most impacted by the pandemic. In this regard, the form of education has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic in which teaching and learning are conducted remotely through digital platforms. The university lecturers have opted online learning approach and electronic devices as a mediator of communication to replace face-to-face learning. This has led to a robust and more interactive way of learning, whereby both students and lecturers find it engaging. 
    However, there are some issues and challenges with this online learning approach. Thus, the objectives of this paper are to identify the constraints of the online learning approach faced by the students and to examine the perception of the lecturers regarding the constraints. Data collection was mainly through a qualitative approach. Descriptive analysis of survey questions is done from the lecturers’ perspectives. The understanding of the challenges could become a source of reference for the university management and lecturers in their efforts to provide the platform for innovative approaches for the 21st-century learners’ student-centered learning.


    Realizing online lessons during COVID-19 needs huge participation from both teachers and students. It is not easy to maintain teachers’ performance in this unusual time. There are many challenges faced by teachers in online teaching during this pandemic. Almost all institutions have adopted a new norm, different from what it used to be. The teaching process was transformed from face-to-face to an online teaching environment that heavily relied on technology. There are many challenges faced by the teachers to keep the learning and teaching well.

    Among others, a teacher also faces challenges in adapting to the development of the globalization era, especially in the use of increasingly sophisticated tools in teaching sessions. Figure four below addresses these online learning-related issues:

    There are some advantages and disadvantages of online learning; the accessibility of online education globally, saving time, money, and efforts are advantages of online learning. In teaching, lecture recording is one advantage of online learning when students ask teachers to record the classes. The teachers are reviewing and preparing well for recording, which certainly improves.


    For our context, we will focus more on the side of the teachers' perspective. Being a teacher is not a simple job, it's not just teaching the student and marking their grades. It is more than that. As time flew by, with the current issue that happened globally, schools are mostly closed which leads to the beginning era of online learning. This online learning method is somewhat convenient for a bunch of people and a few of them are not. From the teachers' point, this method can be quite difficult for a few of them. For example, they were introduced to unfamiliar technologies to be an alternative for their teaching platform. They need to cope with the new ways how to grade their students' work.
    In addition, there will be no separation between work and family space because they have been working at home, and teaching online learning give more stress than face-to-face. Teachers also have to spend time with the family especially for the kids. Therefore, it will lead to challenges in their daily lives due to difficulties in many aspects such as having problems with the internet, planning lessons, and so on.


    The teaching and learning process has been a big revolution since Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID19) has spread out to the world. Education is one of the sectors that have a mostly big impact on its condition. COVID 19 changes everything in the education system. The announcement on the global pandemic of the coronavirus (COVID-19) was taken place on 12 March 2020 and it causes policy to have social distancing which renders a problem such the school closing affecting the learning of millions of children and adolescents, COVID-19 has pinpointed the problem of school managements and way of learning between teacher and students. The teaching and learning process which do face to face must be changed to an online system. Therefore, this has been a challenge for the teachers in teaching online learning.


    One of the challenges that have been decided is the lack of online teaching skills among teachers. Mostly the teachers are not common with the technology nowadays because there is never required to do online teaching instead of just normal teaching in the classroom. This also becomes a big challenge to the teachers because they need someone to guide them on how to use software or apps that need knowledge to use it. Besides, the internet needs to be a good connection while teaching online for example google meet. If the teachers do not know how to have a good internet connection, this will be a big problem for the teachers.


    Moreover, the several challenges are challenges of the teachers is the school organization's drive for the quantifiable objectives. This is a part of the challenges that teachers need to face. Several leaders of school give a standard to the teachers to complete the task even though they need to do it online. On top of that, the teachers need to standardize the exam to all the students because it has to be the part of the task, So this will give the teachers a burden because they are not just to find the way how to standardize the exam but also need to deal with the students that ignore with the exam because of not have attention by the parents that busy of working.


