Following the conversation that we have discussed, there are numerous options for teachers to guarantee that online learning or a new life as a result of Covid 19 goes smoothly, and also they can adapt to the new technology. The content or solution that can be done is First, teachers need to find more resources to find a little bit knowledge on how to adapt or skills in using basic technology, for example, they can search YouTube, Internet, Facebook, etc with the simple knowledge or basic using some apps or software that will enhance the knowledge for the teacher. Teachers need to make a simple suitable environment to educate is the next answer for educators whose mental health is deteriorating during online class sessions. The issue should be emphasized because it is a basic matter that teachers should be aware of in order for pupils to feel more at ease and grasp the progress being made. This is also will help teachers to facilitate the students when undertaking the online class. 

    But otherwise point that can be added, parents and caregivers are being enlisted to help with online learning. In order for children to engage in learning, they must have a supportive family environment. Many parents may find it difficult to assist their children. Make contact with them and discuss how they might help. Inform them of your responsibilities and expectations. Assuage their fears by assuring them that it's fine if their children can't keep up with their assignments. Encourage them to include their children in daily activities and basic tasks like reading a book or journaling about their day. 

            Besides, keeping track of students' participation and development in class. Some ideas which examine the progress of your students to keep track of students' progress in class, create assignments, quizzes, polls, and snapshots. Teachers can also make learning more personalized. It is to encourage student cooperation and conversation like dividing the class into small groups. Reward students for good behavior. Teachers can create personalized badges on the internet and give them to students to display on their accounts so they can be more inspired by viewing and displaying them. 

            Lastly, teachers need to design interactive learning activities. Debates, group work, projects, case studies, role-plays, and student presentations help students learn skills other than academic knowledge and make classes more entertaining. Moreover, to facilitate group activities, a variety of online collaboration solutions can be used. 

STRENGTH                                                               WEAKNESS

•Get more knowledge and skills to use some          •Need to be guided by someone that knows basic
•The children can be guided                                      • Limitation of knowledge by the parents
•The class will not be boring                                     • Limited to using the gadget 
• The students will be more creative                         • Not all students can access to internet

OPPORTUNITY                                                        THREAT                                                                     
 • Explore more interesting things                            • Distract by other things on the internet
 • The children will extra focus on study                  • Not all parents can do the same thing
 • The class will be more intense                               • Problem of the internet connection
 • The students will always attend the class             • High the internet usage


            After several discussions with the team members, we have identified that there are several new ideas that we have decided to solve our problem according to the issue. So we have specified the role to different classes which is the government, School, Parents themselves. The purpose of this new idea is we want to find the solution from a different perspective for the teacher's problems in the new normal of pandemic instead of the teacher itself. 
           Firstly, The government could play an important role to solve this solution by providing a guide to the teachers on how to use an app or software related to ‘e-learning’ because most teacher in primary school is a senior teacher which is around age 40-50 years old. So, they don’t have much exposure to the new technology because before the pandemic they don’t need to find a way on using this thing but after the Covid-19 virus has spread around the world online learning is not a will but essential, so they don’t have any option to do it. Moreover, the government also need to involve in the internet connection problem especially in rural place because it will be a massive problem for the teachers when online learning is running. They also not just need to deal with their internet connection but also their mental health because when the internet appears problem they almost cannot do the task or assessment to the student including the online class. Besides, this will solve even half of the teacher's problems in online teaching, if this can be solved by the government. Lastly, the government needs to play important role in this problem which providing a class to a specific teacher and also fixing the internet connection, especially in rural places because the burden will be less if this problem could be solved.
           Secondly, the challenges for the teacher in the new normal could be solved with the Non-profit organization(NGO) playing an important role. This is because a lot of teacher claims that they have been given the task by the school organization and also the District Education Office(PPD) which is too ‘pressing’ for teachers with various workloads regardless of their needs and problems. President of National Union Of Teaching Professions(NUTP), Aminuddin Awang said “PPD should look at the current reality faced by teachers who experience various pressure to manage learning during the Teaching and Learning at Home(PdPr) session”.So, if the workloads could be reduced the teachers' burden can be less and there can provide good teaching skills to the students at home because they can manage their time effectively. Otherwise, PPD should take this issue more seriously because it can also involve the mental health issue by the teachers. Furthermore, the pressure that the teachers need to carry is too much for example PPD also asks the teachers if some students don’t attend the online class even though that is the parent's responsibility to take attention to their children's activities. So, this matter is one of the sources of stress, the teachers should be given the opportunity to implement PdPR based on the needs of students instead of setting a uniform policy. Moreover, there is a suggestion to the Ministry of Education(MoE) to restructure because the keywords of the PdPR set are the ability and readiness of students. At last, PPD and also heads of schools need to take this issue more seriously because the challenges of the teachers in the new normal are very extreme pressure.

            Last but not least, the person playing important role in this issue in society. This is because just you imagine, 30 students are learning in class. The teacher has 3 classes that he or she needs to teach and also make sure all the students did all the assessments and participate in the exam. So, logically the teachers cannot handle the amount number of students at one time. So, teachers will have a lot of pressure and loss of motivation when keeping in touch with students. On top of that, an important role to help the teachers to face the new normal in pandemic covid-19 is that society could give motivation for the teachers. Besides, this e-learning is that the teacher only helps the students and serves as a facilitator. The e-learning process not only changes the role of teachers but also changes the role of society in the community. Moreover, society also needs to take initiative by teaching their kids other than just depending 100% on the teachers to make sure their kids learn in the class because if every society thinks about this with serious. Teachers could make the PdPR more effective and smooth because he or she knows that student knows about this topic even though just basic. At Last, the role of society is very important because they just not help the teachers to face the challenges but also make sure their kids get a piece of knowledge for their future.

