a possible solution to overcome the challenges of teachers in new normal

    According to the literature review, the problem that can be solved for teachers in overcoming the new normal in pandemic Covid-19 is that teachers need to find more resources to find a little bit of knowledge on how to adapt or skills in using basic techniques, such as YouTube, Internet, or etc. Because the basic to use the technology is abundant on the internet, some people have taken the initiative to teach people how to use basic technology for the essentials. It will be simpler if instructors are more innovative in their use of technology these days.

    Making a simple acceptable atmosphere to educate is the next response for educators whose mental health is worsening during online class sessions is the next solution on how to overcome the issues experienced by instructors. Educators must choose a pleasant place to educate since they must teach for a long amount of time each day. Every day, they may have one to four lessons for one to two hours of teaching. All lessons must be conducted online during pandemics, either as a tutorial or a lab class. As a result, instructors teaching online classes must select a suitable and pleasant place in which to train their pupils. A pleasant space for the educator to find at home is the study room or study area. Complete instruction equipment can also make it easier for educators to instruct.

    The study's goal is to look into and research the obstacles and issues that COVID-19 learners have when it comes to online learning. At the time of the epidemic, synchronized e-learning was the remedy. However, it had a detrimental impact on student's performance and learning outcomes. The study discovered that students had difficulty navigating the platform. Using technology, almost 30% of students skipped lessons and other chores, and they switched to other programs during online learning. The survey found that technological concerns were the most common barriers to online learning for students. Some students had issues with internet connectivity, accessing lessons, and downloading course materials. Learners' mobile phones were unable to access online tests. Learners were unable to successfully communicate with teachers during virtual English language skills lessons due to linguistic communication problems. Learners' replies to open-ended questions indicated this. Learner satisfaction with online learning is poor; fewer than half of students are pleased with it, while 14% are dissatisfied, and 43% are not entirely supportive of continuing online education even if there is no crisis. It is suggested that more studies be conducted to better understand instructors' perspectives and experiences with online English language instruction during the epidemic.

    Therefore, some suggestions deserve attention. online learning should focus on concepts and principles that need to be communicated and understood by all students. The remaining learning time is to focus more on exploring students' understanding through discussion activities, research, experiments or brainstorming, and project presentation. One of the most important things we do as teachers is connect with our students and teach them how to connect with others. These connections help motivate our students, inspire them to work hard, build their confidence, and often realize things about themselves that they didn't know before. This social and emotional learning is an invaluable component of school and one you knew could not be lost during distance learning.

   Improve your online study time management as well. Make a workspace in your house that is free of distractions. Establish a consistent schedule for attending virtual classes and completing assignments. Be a schedule of forthcoming chores using the course, and make sure to give yourself enough time to finish them. If you have a large task ahead of you, break it down into smaller objectives. It's simple to fall behind on responsibilities when you're this kind. It's easy to push your lessons to the bottom of the priority list when you have other obligations in your life, such as family and a job.

    Otherwise, writing online might help you learn more. While you may communicate with classmates, tutors, and instructors via Zoom or Skype for some assistance, most of your online interactions will be written. Take the time to review your work for grammatical and spelling issues before posting or sending it out if writing is not one of your greatest abilities. If you have a lot of trouble writing, seek a school that has a writing center or offers writing tutoring. Through practice and repetition, you'll improve your talents over time.
In reality, combining digital media with conventional techniques may be a useful platform for all instructors to apply PdPR both formally and informally, but it requires the cooperation of a variety of stakeholders, particularly parents to succeed

